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Loyalty Points

Earn Points On Every Purchase

We want to show our appreciation to you for entrusting us with your business.

So, we instituted Peptide Points.

By making a purchase, as long as you are logged into your account, you will get Peptide Points. Each dollar that you spend earns one point, and 10 points can be redeemed for $1.

So, this means that if you purchase an item for $100, you will earn 100 points and be able to get a $10 discount on your next order; this is a 10% discount which can be combined with any of our other discounts.

Pretty sweet, right?

All you have to do is log into your account so the points can be assigned to you. When you have points and are logged in, you will have the opportunity to use them on the cart page.

Wait! That’s not it!

Just for signing up for an account, you get 10 points (aka $1 store credit). These points can be used before your first purchase, whereas points earned for purchases must be used on the following purchase.

Also, you can get 50 points (aka $5 store credit) for leaving a review of a product you purchased on our website, so long as the review is approved.

Not only that, but you can get a $5 store credit for liking and sharing our page (both must be completed, not just the liking) on Facebook, and a $5 store credit for following us and tweeting our page on Twitter.

(Please note that unfortunately store credit for social media likes and shares is a bit more of a manual process for us and may take us a business day or two to complete, but we will do it! Once completed, please notify us via email or the contact form.)

Wait, wait, wait, you’re saying that I could theoretically get $16 store credit just for doing a couple of things on the internet, then I’ll earn 10% in-store credit for all of my completed purchases?


We are the best SARMs company around. If our diligent 3rd party testing hasn’t done that already, and our Peptide Points program (say that 3 times fast) is just one more way we prove that.

Shopper redhead girl buying online with a laptop and credit card.

Get Points - Earn Credit!

Sign Up For An Account

Just for signing up for an account, you get 10 points (aka $1 store credit). These points can be used before your first purchase!

Like & Share Our Page

You can get a $5 store credit for liking and sharing our page on Facebook or sharing and following on Twitter.


Also, you can get 50 points (aka $5 store credit) for leaving a review of a product you purchased on our website.


High-quality, American-made SARMS

Proven Peptides is Ceasing Operations Effective Immediately

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